Tag Archives: boyband

Music Selection…

Alright, so being 23 years old, people like to give me crap for liking One Direction. I hate that just because they’re a boy band, people automatically assume they’re a bad group and that only fourteen year old girls can listen to their music. Why? If I like an artist, it shouldn’t be a problem how old I am. No one told YOU to like them, I’m not FORCING you to like them, I’m simply a fan and it shouldn’t cause any stares or unwanted opinions from other people. About 80% of the people who claim they don’t like them, haven’t even listened to their songs. Give them a chance! Seriously. Don’t judge them based on the songs the radio plays, (except for Drag Me Down bc that one is great & i’m sure you’ll end up liking it!) As a 1D fan, even I get sick of What Makes You Beautiful, trust me..but they have 5 albums now. If you’re still basing your opinion on them off their FIRST album, you clearly are stuck in the past mama and need to move on. LOL.

Just..before you judge me for liking them, give them a freaking shot. Don’t put them down just because they’re a boy band. They’re really freaking talented, have you heard the pipes on these boys ?! OH & them being really attractive is a nice bonus 😉 … & before you say anything about my age and One Direction remember that one of the band members was born in ’91, which makes him older than me and the rest of the boys are over 21 now which means I can legally meet all of them at the bar if I wanted to, k thank you very much.

Also, they’re about to go on a MUCH NEEDED break (4 tours, 5 albums, 1 movie all in 5 years..nonstop)..and this break could mean the end (even though we’re all totalllyy hoping it’s not obvi) so, let me live. Let me enjoy them while I can lol.



Filed under Terrible Tuesday

Why would you do that?!

So, before anyone goes off, I know I’m late. Sorry people. I’m behind two days worth of posts, but with good reason!! First, I spontaneously went to see my boys, One Direction, again on Tuesday, this time in Philly. To get to Philly, from my neighborhood, takes about two hours…so you know I came back super late. “But you could’ve posted before you left…!” I know, but we got our tickets a little last minute and I was stressing over that all morning. So technically, I couldn’t. Then on Wednesday, I had PCD (fangirl lingo meaning post concert depression), realllll strong. I wanted to be back, on FLOOR, having the time of my life again. So, here I am, writing posts NOW. Sorry.

However, going to the concert gave me good material for today’s post: fans who don’t think. Towards the end of the concert, Harry was walking across the stage, (and I was recording as this happened) and a fan THREW A CAN OF REDBULL AND HIT HIM SQUARE IN THE FACE..as you can see here. I was LIVID. What makes you think throwing a damn CAN on stage would be a good idea?!?!?! I mean, people throw things all the time…which they shouldnt..but normally it’s like a hat, or a costume, something SOFT, things they want the boys to put on. BUT A FREAKING CAN? THAT’S JUST ABSURD. His mom even tweeted how angry she was, as you can see in the link above. You know you went overboard when a parent gets involved. I just don’t understand how people don’t have common sense. The girl apparently was apologetic via social media, and just wanted attention, but she was right near the catwalk, she didn’t have to throw anything for attention, especially since he stood right in front of our section for some songs! I’m just hoping this girl learned her lesson from all this. You’re hurting the celebs when you throw things on stage..so have some respect for other people before you do such a thing!

If you’d like to hear my review on my floor seats (first time everr!) / concert, let me know 🙂



Filed under Terrible Tuesday